11-15-2024 02:58 AM
Can anyone provide a sample MERGE INTO SQL query for implementing SCD Type 2 in Databricks using Delta Tables?
11-15-2024 03:42 AM
3 weeks ago
Is there any limitation to the length of the string passed to md5 function when concatenating multiple columns to generate hash_value field ?
11-15-2024 03:57 AM
also, in PySpark, the same example in pyspark:
from pyspark.sql.functions import col, concat_ws, current_date, lit, md5
source_df = spark.table("source_table")
target_df = spark.table("target_table")
source_with_hash_df = source_df.withColumn("hash_value", md5(concat_ws("|", col("name"), col("address"), col("email"), col("phone"))))
"target.customer_id = source.customer_id AND target.is_current = true"
condition="target.hash_value != source.hash_value",
"valid_to": current_date() - 1,
"is_current": lit(False)
"customer_id": col("source.customer_id"),
"name": col("source.name"),
"address": col("source.address"),
"email": col("source.email"),
"phone": col("source.phone"),
"valid_from": current_date(),
"valid_to": lit("9999-12-31"),
"is_current": lit(True),
"hash_value": col("source.hash_value")
condition="target.is_current = true",
"valid_to": current_date() - 1,
"is_current": lit(False)
You have to add an action to execute.
3 weeks ago
Hi @Akshay_Petkar , please refer this code ,
3 weeks ago
@JissMathew and @David_Torrejon , Thanks for sharing the example
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