Hi Kaniz,
Thanks for providing this information. Yes, I am able to see the error in the Query Profile but it is the same error I saw in the SQL Editor UI. Most errors in the SQL Editor are helpful, there are some that are vary vague and don't provide any insight without more log information. For example:
"org.apache.spark.sql.execution.datasources.v2.DataSourceV2Relation cannot be cast to org.apache.spark.sql.execution.datasources.LogicalRelation"
[TASK_WRITE_FAILED] Task failed while writing rows to abfss://silver@<REDACTED>.dfs.core.windows.net/__unitystorage/catalogs/<REDACTED>/tables/<REDACTED>.
I was able to write to the ADLS storage account just fine, it turned out to be a different error in the SQL. So these generic errors didn't provide much insight and was looking for more detailed information in the SQL Pro Warehouse driver logs which sounds like is only available with the help of Databricks support.