I am getting this error in my Partner Databricks Account and I had tried several methods to start the cluster. As i don't have access to console.aws.amazon.com/ec2. I was not able to check the details/logs in the ec2 instance. I am getting the following error when I created a cluster.
[id: InstanceId(i-03dc3a53430ad8039), status: INSTANCE_INITIALIZING, workerEnvId:WorkerEnvId(workerenv-494631413219788-8e8e6777-c7f4-4b71-a9a7-64e325915706), lastStatusChangeTime: 1695626739912, groupIdOpt Some(0),requestIdOpt Some(0925-072521-ugauwqtz-f58fe073-1b5a-4cab-9),version 1] with threshold 700 seconds timed out after 705003 milliseconds. Please check network connectivity from the data plane to the control plane.