I'm currently helping a team migrating to DABs from dbx and they would like to be able to work on multiple features at the same time.
What I was able to do is pass the current branch as a variable in the root_path and various names, so when the bundle is deployed it deploys separately from other previously deployed bundles.
This works as expected, from the same project, go to feature_branch_a and deploy in dev to Workspace/User/feature_branch_a and then go to feature_branch_b and deploy in dev also to Workspace/User/feature_branch_b. Now you have 2 bundles with their respective python wheel.
The issue that arises is with ressources. The same jobs from both versions of the packages gets overwritten for the same user. The docs does mention that what makes any bundle unique is the user/bundle name/target. While these are all different, I'm still having issues with ressources getting overwritten.
Has anyone faced the same issue?