In AWS with this current error when spinning up the SQL warehouse or personal compute.
Backend private link is enabled.
Error: NPIP tunnel setup failure during launch. Please try again later and contact Databricks if the problem persists. Instance bootstrap failed command: WaitForNgrokTunnel Failure message (may be truncated): Timed out waiting for ngrok tunnel to be up Code: NPIP_TUNNEL_SETUP_FAILURE
On the EC2 instance I can see this failure in the logs:
2023/09/25 02:36:27 INFO [Bootstrap Event] Command BuiltInCommand_WaitForNgrokTunnel finished. [FAILED] . Seconds Elapsed: 300.273530006
2023/09/25 02:36:27 INFO [Bootstrap Event] {FAILED_COMMAND:WaitForNgrokTunnel}
2023/09/25 02:36:27 INFO [Bootstrap Event] {FAILED_MESSAGE:(Base64 encoded) VGltZWQgb3V0IHdhaXRpbmcgZm9yIG5ncm9rIHR1bm5lbCB0byBiZSB1cA== }
2023/09/25 02:36:27 INFO [Bootstrap Event] Command GetInstanceId finished. [SUCCEEDED]. Seconds Elapsed: 0.00336885452271
2023/09/25 02:36:27 INFO [Bootstrap Event] Command UpdateBootstrapStatus finished. [SUCCEEDED]. Seconds Elapsed: 0.0854570865631