Due to frequent updates on table our backend storage size is growing a lot, even though we have vacuum and optimize scheduled unable to clean up files 7 days or less.
Current settings is: delta.logRetentionDuration="interval 7 days" and deleted files setting is default (which is 7 days)
Based on the documentation, it is a recommended/default setting to keep delta.deletedFileRetentionDuration="interval 7 days" and delta.logRetentionDuration="interval 7 days"but am not able to find a good documentation as why it is recommended to keep 7 days. what are the drawbacks if this setting is set to 24 hours
My scenario:
My table updates every 2-3 mins, I don't need delta log more than one day. i would like to run vacuum & optimize daily and clean up and consolidate files.
Appreciate if you can share documentation or rational for having 7 days.