Hi I was taking the Databricks Data Engineer Associate exam & immediately after starting the exam (after successful check-in), my exam was suspended for "non-compliance with test sponsor guidelines". I contacted Kryterion support, who redirected me to Databricks support. Databricks support first told me I had a "Remote Access Trojan" on my machine. I then sent 3 antivirus scan screenshots verifying that this is not the case & my system is clean. They then changed their story to "your system has remote access *software*" that would allow someone to control it remotely. Also not true, and I've sent them screenshots from my Control Panel proving that no such software is installed. No one has responded to this proof in over 10 days.
This is ticket number 00541576.
username: billpratt99@gmail.com (Kryterion username jpratt989)
I'm very disappointed in the communication/test-taker experience so far & at this point will not recommend Databricks nor Databricks certifications to my friends/colleagues. I've successfully completed another Databricks cert (Databricks Data Analyst associate) & several GCP certs with the exact same computer + testing software, so I know it's a bug on your all's end to accuse me of having such software on my system. I know that you all are capable of providing better support than this.