@Cert-Team @Retired_mod @Sujitha
Hi Team
I am writing to bring to your attention a concerning incident that occurred during my recent attempt at the DataBricks Certified Data engineering Associate exam. On October 22, 2023, at 1:00 PM Indian Time, I encountered an unfortunate and unsettling experience that has prompted me to file a formal complaint.
During the exam, the proctor requested me to show my desk setup, and I promptly complied with their request. To my surprise, the proctor repeated the request multiple times, causing a significant interruption and waste of precious exam time. Afterward, I was informed that my exam had been suspended due to a failure to meet unspecified behavioral or environmental requirements.
I want to emphasize that I had approached the exam with complete honesty and integrity, adhering to all stipulated rules and guidelines. As a result, I am deeply perplexed and concerned about the proctor's actions during the exam. This experience has been disappointing, as I had not expected such behavior from a professional proctor overseeing a certification exam
It was a Crucial Certification for my Career Development and Project which I am Currently Pursuing and Learning More than 2 Months for this Final Exam. Please Help me Reschedule this Exam as Soon as Possible
I have Already Raised a Ticket through Login https://help.databricks.com/s/contact-us?ReqType=training But No Response is Sent for my Mail even After I have Checked my Spam Folder
Email : hvija7988@gmail.com
Please Take a Look and Help me On this
Vijay K