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Delta Live Tables: BAD_REQUEST: Pipeline cluster is not reachable.

New Contributor II

Hello community:


I donยดt know why my Delta Live table workflow fails into this step. This is the configuration I have for the pipeline:

"id": "**",
"pipeline_type": "WORKSPACE",
"clusters": [
"label": "default",
"spark_conf": {***},
"num_workers": 3
"label": "maintenance",
"spark_conf": {****},
"num_workers": 3
"development": false,
"continuous": false,
"channel": "CURRENT",
"photon": false,
"libraries": [
"notebook": {
"path": "/GeneracionAutomatica/DLT Generator (bronze)"
"notebook": {
"path": "/GeneracionAutomatica/DLT Generator (staging)"
"name": "Delta Live Tables (bronze)",
"edition": "ADVANCED",
"storage": "****",
"configuration": {
"pipelines.autoOptimize.zOrderCols": "\"timestamp\"",
"pipelines.numUpdateRetryAttempts": "7"
"target": "myrl"


Note: *** is information confidential.

The result sometimes is this:


But sometimes it works and complete de pipeline!!


Anyone has any idea? Thanks!!



Community Manager
Community Manager

Hi @jorgemarmolThere could be several reasons why the pipeline cluster is unreachable.

Some of the possible reasons include:

1. Infrastructural issues: The dev clusters are occasionally down due to infrastructural issues. Infra changes are often tested in dev clusters first, which can cause instability and make them unavailable. In such cases, deploys to those clusters will fail, but users can ignore those failures if they have a release that will succeed in staging despite the infra issues in dev.

2. Self Bootstrap Failure or Npip Tunnel Setup Failure: This error indicates that Bootstrap failed due to network connectivity issues between the data and control planes. More specifically, Databricks secure cluster connectivity (SCC) relay is not reachable, or files cannot be downloaded from the artefact bucket due to DNS resolution issues 

3. Spark driver unreachable: This issue can be caused by invalid Spark configurations or malfunctioning init scripts. Also, it can occur if there is no NAT Gateway or egress path to Databricks control plane service available from customer VPC or if the customer VPC has an egress VPC Firewall rule blocking traffic to Control Plane

To troubleshoot these issues, you can download the system log, search "FAILED_MESSAGE", and use a Base64 decode tool to decode the message. The Network Diagnostic Tool can also be used to perform a detailed validation. It checks the network latency, SSL and application layer connectivity, and DNS resolution on the published and specific endpoints. Run the tool in standalone mode, as described in the README bundled with the tool.

Hi @Kaniz_Fatma , thank you so much for your answer!!

Could you tell me how can I download the logs and what is the meaning of Standalone mode, please?I have download the logs from the cluster driver logs but I cant find the "FAILED_MESSAGE":

jorgemarmol_0-1692288509376.pngThank you!!

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