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create table SalesReport(
TerritoryName NVARCHAR(50), 
ProductName NVARCHAR(100), 
TotalSales DECIMAL(10,2), 
PreviousYearSales DECIMAL(10,2), 
GrowthRate DECIMAL(10,2)); 
create table ErrorLog( 
ErrorID int, 
ErrorMessage nvarchar(max),
ErrorDate datetime); 
create or alter procedure sp_territory 
@tablename nvarchar(max) 
-- Declare variables 
declare @SQL nvarchar(max); 
set @SQL = N'with cte 
as (select *, 
CEILING(((TotalSales - PreviousYearSales)*100)/PreviousYearSales) as GrowthRate 
from(select TerritoryName, ProductName, 
Amount as TotalSales, 
lag(amount) over(partition by TerritoryName order by SaleDate) as PreviousYearSales 
from Sales_tbl s 
join Territories_tbl t 
on s.TerritoryID = t.TerritoryID 
join Products_tbl p 
on s.ProductID = p.ProductID 
where Amount > 1000) sub) 
insert into ' + @tablename + ' (TerritoryName, ProductName, TotalSales, PreviousYearSales, GrowthRate) 
select * 
from cte' 
-- Execute the dynamic SQL 
execute sp_executesql @SQL 
-- Exectuing the sp
execute sp_territory 'SalesReport'; 
--Viewin the table
select * from SalesReport;

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