transform a dataframe column as concatenated string
Hello,I have a single column dataframe and I want to transform the content into a stringEG df=abcdefxyzToabc, def, xyz Thanks
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Hello,I have a single column dataframe and I want to transform the content into a stringEG df=abcdefxyzToabc, def, xyz Thanks
Hi Expert,How we can setup multiple notebook in a sequence order in flow for an example 1 pipeline have notebook1 - sequence 1,Notebook2- Sequence 2(in 1pipeline only)
Not sure how to approach your challenge but something you can is to use the Databricks Job Scheduler or if you want an external solution in Azure you can call several notebooks from DataFactory.
Hi,I'm trying to call the DLT api to kickoff my delta live table flow with a web API call block from Azure Data Factory. I have two environments: one DEV and one PROD.The DEV environment works fine, the response is giving me the update_id, but the PR...
Hi. Recently, I've found that Databricks is really slow when editing notebooks, such as adding cells, copying and pasting text or cells, etc. It's just the past few weeks actually. I'm using Chrome version 118.0.5993.118. Everything else with Chrome ...
It seems related to the notebook length (number of cells). The notebook that was really slow had about 40-50 cells, which I've done before without issue. Anyway after starting a new notebook using Chrome, it seems useable again. So without a specific...
I have installed graphframes library from maven repository in the cluster (13.3 LTS (includes Apache Spark 3.4.1, Scala 2.12), Standard DS4_v2). The library that I have installed is graphframes:graphframes:0.8.3-spark3.5-s_2.13.I can import the graph...
Hi all,In Lakeview Dashboard, I would like to visualize some delta table's info returned from the SQL statement 'DESCRIBE DETAIL'. In 'Data' tab, the dataset which contained that statement returned all detail info of my delta table. But the visualiz...
Hi Team, I'm trying to connect the system (system.billing.usage table) catalog (unity is enabled) in my workspace from Tableau. Im using Tableau version 2023.1 and ODBC driver version I was able to create a connection but when Im conn...
Hi @Cert-TeamMy test got suspend without any reason, the support guy had secured the area and I had also showed my entire desk but still they suspended my test, this is a huge loss please help me and reschedule my exam.I have also tried to raised a t...
Hi @Cert-Team,Still not able to raise ticket, after submitting the info for the ticket I'm not receiving any confirmation mail. Please help me to reschedule the exam as there this suspension is done without any reason and I haven't done anything whic...
Hi @Cert-Team I hope this message finds you well. I am writing to request a review of my recently suspended exam. I believe that my situation warrants reconsideration, and I would like to provide some context for your understanding.I applied for Da...
HelloI having an issue with using a window in pyspark. I created a simple example that reproduce the error, basically i want to define a window with a dynamic size (say from another column ) instead of a fix value from pyspark.sql import SparkSessio...
For the past 3 weeks, I have been unable to clone the Bitbucket repository into Databricks legacy.I got the following error message "Error Creating RepoThere was an error performing the operation. Please try again or open a support ticket."I would ap...
Hello Experts,I was using the `/api/2.0/sql/history/queries` end-point to find the historical stats for queries on the warehouse endpoint.I am surprised to see exact rows duplicated in the response, even though they have different `next_page_token` H...
Sorry for formatting. This editor drives me crazy. Python code once again:#Install SDK first %pip install databricks-sdk --upgrade #Restart Python kernel dbutils.library.restartPython() #List your queries history: from databricks.sdk import Worksp...
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