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New Contributor III
since ‎06-06-2023

User Stats

  • 7 Posts
  • 0 Solutions
  • 1 Kudos given
  • 2 Kudos received

User Activity

I created a policy for users to use when they create their own Job clusters. When I'm editing the policy, I don't have the UI options for adding library (I can only see Definitions and Permissions tabs). I need to add via JSON the option to allows th...
Set the default catalog (AKA default SQL Database) in a Cluster's Spark configuration. I've tried the following :spark.catalog.setCurrentDatabase("cbp_reporting_gold_preprod") - this works in a Notebook but doesn't do anything in the Cluster.spark.sq...
I tried using the same credentials as my Databricks login (provided by my employer) and it doesn't work. I then tried the forgot option password but never get an email. I finally tried registering a new account, but I get an error showing the email i...
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