I have created a job with no timeout-seconds provided. But I am getting Error: Timed out within 20 minutes. I am running the below commands using Bash@3 task in ADO Pipeline yaml file. The code for the same is given below
task: Bash@3
timeoutInMinutes: '0'
displayName: 'Run Databricks Tests Notebook'
targetType: 'filePath'
filePath: './ci/createjob.sh'
arguments: '$(cluster-id) $(unit-folder) $(component-folder) $(Build.BuildId) $(Build.BinariesDirectory)'
This is the json I am passing to create a job.
databricks jobs create --json {
"name": "Test Job",
"timeout_seconds": 0,
"task_key": "abc",
"existing_cluster_id": "cluster-id",
"notebook_task": {
"notebook_path": "<path-to-notebook>",
"source": "WORKSPACE"
Also I am starting the job with databricks run-now CLI Command
databricks jobs run-now --json '{
"job_id": '$JOB_ID',
"notebook_params": {
"param": "value"
Is there a way I can check where is this failing after 20 minutes?