Databricks UniForm, enables seamless integration between Delta Lake and Iceberg formats.
Databricks UniForm key features include:
- Interoperability: Read Delta tables with Iceberg clients without rewriting data.
- Automatic Metadata Generation: Asynchronously generates Iceberg metadata.
- Compression Codec: Uses Zstandard for Parquet data files instead of Snappy compression.
- Requirements: Needs Unity Catalog registration and specific table properties.
- Configuration: Enabled by setting specific table properties like `delta.enableIcebergCompatV2` and `delta.universalFormat.enabledFormats`
UniForm focuses on enabling Delta tables to be read by Iceberg clients without rewriting data, primarily within the Databricks ecosystem.
In comparison, Apache XTable offers bidirectional conversion between Delta Lake, Iceberg, and Hudi, providing greater flexibility for format-agnostic lakehouses.
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#DataEngineering #UniForm #DeltaLake #Interoperability
Hari Prasad