I'm using databricks-cli to configure a newly-deployed Azure Databricks instance. The ARM deployment works fine, and then the databricks cli commands to create a secrets scope and add users also works just fine.
Then I add a GitCredential to Databricks -- a username/PAT pair for Azure DevOps Repos access, and try to run `databricks repos create --url <url> --provider azureDevOpsServices --path /Repos/ParentDir/RepoName`.
This fails with the error:
Error: b'{"error_code":"INVALID_STATE","message":"Failed to clone repo. Repo may be incomplete. Failure reason: Operation failed: \\"Server failed to authenticate the request. Make sure the value of Authorization header is formed correctly including the signature.\\", 403, PUT, https://*redacted*.dfs.core.windows.net/jobs/420349711802780/workspace-files/0680a075-b8be-4fa6-a3d7..., AuthenticationFailed, \\"Server failed to authenticate the request. Make sure the value of Authorization header is formed correctly including the signature. RequestId:988c44fd-a01f-0023-5ba7-5d893f000000 Time:2023-03-23T16:48:33.5781637Z\\""}'
This looks like Databricks is unable to write the repo's content to the workspace storage account, which is really weird. Weird because, if I then log in to the instance, I can actually see the files from the repo under the Repos menu!
But, when clicking into the Repos directories -- although I can see the repo content, the branch button isn't present on the repo browser header. I can click the Git... menu option and successfully re-do a pull, and then the branch button appears.
I'm at a bit of a loss here as to what's happening -- any help appreciated.