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End goal is to apply OPTIMIZE and ZORDER table.

However, one of the columns to be ZORDER doesn't have stats collected.

Running ANALYZE generates the error below.


ANALYZE TABLE <catalog>.<schema>.<table> COMPUTE STATISTICS FOR COLUMNS my_col_1, my_col_2;
[INTERNAL_ERROR] Eagerly executed command failed. You hit a bug in Spark or the Spark plugins you use. Please, report this bug to the corresponding communities or vendors, and provide the full stack trace. SQLSTATE: XX000

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Hi @leungi

Troubleshooting the ANALYZE TABLE Error

Based on the information provided, it seems that you are encountering an issue when trying to run the `ANALYZE TABLE` command to compute statistics for specific columns in your table. The error message indicates an internal error in Spark or the Spark plugins you are using.

Here are some steps you can take to troubleshoot and resolve this issue:

1. Check the Column Statistics

The error message suggests that one of the columns you are trying to collect statistics for (`my_col_1` or `my_col_2`) does not have any statistics collected. This could be the root cause of the issue.

You can check the current statistics for your table by running the following query:

SHOW COLUMN STATS <catalog>.<schema>.<table>;

This will display the current statistics for each column in the table, including the number of distinct values, null count, and other relevant information.

2. Identify the Problematic Column

If the output of the `SHOW COLUMN STATS` query shows that one of the columns you are trying to analyze does not have any statistics collected, this is likely the cause of the error.

3. Collect Statistics for the Problematic Column

To resolve the issue, you can try collecting statistics for the problematic column separately, without including the other columns in the `ANALYZE TABLE` command. This may help bypass the error and allow you to collect the necessary statistics.

Run the following command, replacing `my_col_1` with the name of the column that does not have statistics:

ANALYZE TABLE <catalog>.<schema>.<table> COMPUTE STATISTICS FOR COLUMN my_col_1;

If this command is successful, you can then try running the original `ANALYZE TABLE` command again, including all the columns you need.

 4. Optimize the Table

Once you have successfully collected the necessary statistics, you can proceed with the `OPTIMIZE` and `ZORDER` operations on your table.

Optimizing the Table

To optimize the table, you can use the `OPTIMIZE` command:

OPTIMIZE TABLE <catalog>.<schema>.<table>;

This will perform various optimization tasks, such as compacting small files, removing deleted data, and updating statistics.

Applying ZORDER

After optimizing the table, you can apply the `ZORDER` operation to the table:

ALTER TABLE <catalog>.<schema>.<table> ZORDER BY my_col_1, my_col_2;

This will sort the data in the table based on the specified columns, which can improve query performance for certain types of queries.

@Kaniz_Fatma , thanks for the detailed suggestions.

1. Running SHOW COLUMN STATS yields the following error:

[PARSE_SYNTAX_ERROR] Syntax error at or near 'CHECK'. SQLSTATE: 42601 line 1, pos 0

== SQL ==
CHECK COLUMN STATS <catalog>.<schema>.<table> 

Ran DESCRIBE DETAIL <catalog>.<schema>.<table> successfully, and it indicates no column stats are currently being collected.


3. Ran ANALYZE TABLE <catalog>.<schema>.<table> COMPUTE STATISTICS FOR COLUMN my_col_1; for a single column, and faced the same error.


Any further troubleshooting tips are much appreciated!

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