โ09-04-2021 12:46 AM
Hi team,
I'm getting weird error in one of my jobs when connecting to Snowflake. All my other jobs (I've got plenty) work fine.
The current one also works fine when I have only one coding step (except installing needed libraries in my very first step).
The error appears when I have more steps in the same job:
1) install needed libraries (this works fine in both cases)
pip install numpy xgboost>=1.3.2 category-encoders feature-engine==0.6.1 snowflake.sqlalchemy eventlet pyarrow==0.17.0 asn1crypto==1.4.0 auditwheel==3.1.1 azure-common==1.1.25 azure-core==1.8.2 azure-storage-blob==12.5.0 boto3==1.15.18 botocore==1.18.18 certifi==2020.4.5.1 cffi==1.14.3 chardet==3.0.4 cryptography==2.9.2 idna==2.10 isodate==0.6.0 jmespath==0.10.0 msrest==0.6.19 oauthlib==3.1.0 oscrypto pycparser==2.20 pycryptodomex==3.9.8 pyelftools==0.26 PyJWT==1.7.1 pyOpenSSL==19.1.0 python-dateutil==2.8.1 pytz==2020.1 requests==2.23.0 requests-oauthlib==1.3.0 s3transfer==0.3.3 six==1.15.0 urllib3==1.25.11 snowflake-connector-python==2.3.10
(my guess is that I can install those libraries once in configuration so that I don't waste time on each job run, but this is rather secondary question here)
2) fetch data from postgres into pandas dataframe
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import psycopg2 as pg
import pandas.io.sql as psql
pass1 = dbutils.secrets.get("monolith", "prod_pass")
conn1 = pg.connect("host=host1 dbname=db1 user=user1 password=" + pass1)
query1 = """ select column1, column2 from table1 """
df1 = psql.read_sql(query1, conn1)
print("df1: ")
(works fine in both cases)
3) store pandas dataframe into Snowflake table using python connector
from sqlalchemy import create_engine
from snowflake.sqlalchemy import URL
engine = create_engine(URL(
account = 'my_account_name',
user=dbutils.secrets.get("snowflake", "snowflakeusr"),
password=dbutils.secrets.get("snowflake", "snowflakepwd"),
database = 'database1',
schema = 'schema1',
warehouse = 'warehouse1',
df1.to_sql('tmp_df1', con=engine, index=False, if_exists='replace')
(also works fine in both cases)
4) loop through snowflake table - this step fails if I have (2) and (3) in the same job, but works fine if (2) and (3) steps are absent
import requests
import eventlet
import time
import snowflake.connector
import json
ctx = snowflake.connector.connect(
user=dbutils.secrets.get("snowflake", "snowflakeusr"),
password=dbutils.secrets.get("snowflake", "snowflakepwd"),
cs = ctx.cursor()
except Exception as error:
raise Exception("Error fetching data from Snowflake: " + str(error))
it fails on line 10 with error:
487 try:
--> 488 cnx.do_handshake()
489 except OpenSSL.SSL.WantReadError:
---> 98 poll_obj = select.poll()
AttributeError: module 'select' has no attribute 'poll'
Unfortunately I can't post full error stack because your forum complains that my post is too long.
Please see full details in pastebin:
As a workaround, I just run those in two separate jobs:
But I hope that I can combine those with your help.
Please advise.
โ10-11-2021 02:18 PM
@marchelloโ I suggest you contact Snowflake to move forward on this one.
โ09-09-2021 02:48 AM
Hi @ marchello ! My name is Kaniz, and I'm the technical moderator here. Great to meet you, and thanks for your question! Let's see if your peers on the community have an answer to your question first. Or else I will follow up shortly with a response.
โ09-09-2021 01:22 PM
Looking at the stack trace, this actually seems like an issue with Snowflake's connector. Or maybe there's a namespace conflict with 'select'? You should see if a different version of the snowflake connector works or contact Snowflake.
โ09-09-2021 02:18 PM
Will try v2.5.1 and will update.
โ09-13-2021 04:10 PM
@marchelloโ - How did it go?
โ09-13-2021 04:40 PM
Hi @Piper Wilsonโ, thanks for asking.
Upgraded Snowflake connector to v2.5.1 in both of my jobs, but didn't try to combine them yet actually. This is TBD. The process is still in DEV state, so it's even more convenient to schedule them separately as I can set one of parts to run more often. Eventually I will need to combine them, but it's not urgent yet.
โ09-14-2021 05:41 AM
@marchelloโ Cool! ๐
โ09-15-2021 02:16 AM
Just tried to combine my jobs with the latest Snowflake connector version. No, it didn't work. Any other suggestions, please?
โ09-15-2021 10:28 AM
@marchelloโ - I'm passing this on to the team. ๐
โ10-11-2021 02:18 PM
@marchelloโ I suggest you contact Snowflake to move forward on this one.
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