Hello @mh_db ,
The dynamic value {{job.start_time.iso_datetime}} you are using in your workflow is designed to capture the start time of the job run, not the individual tasks within the job. This is why you are seeing the same date and time for both tasks, as they are part of the same job run.
If you want to capture the start time of each individual task, currently Databricks does not have this dynamic value on the supported value reference. However, you can use a workaround by capturing the current date and time at the beginning of each task in the notebook code itself. This will give you the start time of each task when it begins to run.
For example, in Python, you can use the following code to get the current date and time:
from datetime import datetime
start_time = datetime.now()
print("Start time: ", start_time)
You can then use this start_time variable throughout your notebook as needed. Please note that this time will be in the timezone of the Databricks cluster running the job.
You can find the supported value references and its description through the doc below.
If you believe that having a dynamic value reference for the task run start time would be beneficial, you could submit an idea in Databricks' Ideas Portal.
Best regards,
Lucas Rocha
Technical Solutions Engineer