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i am trying to read csv file using databricks, i am getting error like ......FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/dbfs/FileStore/tables/world_bank.csv'

New Contributor III

i am trying to read csv file using databricks, i am getting error like ......FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/dbfs/FileStore/tables/world_bank.csv'



Esteemed Contributor III

I see that you are using databricks-course-cluster which have probably some limited functionality. Not sure where dbfs is mounted there. When you are using dbutils it display path for dbfs mount (dbfs file system).

Please use spark code instead of pandas so it will be executed properly:

df ='dbfs:/FileStore/tables/world_bank.csv')

New Contributor III

ops I didn't see the other answers, anyway here you have how to use %fs magic to do the same that utils.

Just before to create the spark data frame, check if the file exists in the mentioned path.

You can use the %fs magic like this:


New Contributor II

Pls help,

I have the same problem


Esteemed Contributor III

I see you use pandas to read from dbfs.

But pandas will only read from local files,

see this topic also. It is about databricks-connect but the same principles apply.

So what you should do is first read the file using and then converting the spark df to a pandas df.

New Contributor III

I had the same issue: geopandas in Databricks notebooks does not open shapefiles from an Azure Storage mount.
I managed to copy the shapefile to the Databricks workspace using 


dbutils.fs.cp(shapefile_path, f"file:{local_shapefile_copy_dest_path}") 

The 'file:' prefix proved to be crucial here.

and then: 

gdf = gpd.read_file(shapefile_path.replace('dbfs:', ''))

I copy the results back to the dbfs mount using

dbutils.fs.cp(f"file:{geoparquet_path}", f"{raw_path}{geoparquet_file_basename}.parquet")


@-werners- wrote:

I see you use pandas to read from dbfs.

But pandas will only read from local files,

see this topic also. It is about databricks-connect but the same principles apply.

So what you should do is first read the file using and then converting the spark df to a pandas df.

@-werners- wrote:

I see you use pandas to read from dbfs.

But pandas will only read from local files,

see this topic also. It is about databricks-connect but the same principles apply.

So what you should do is first read the file using and then converting the spark df to a pandas df.

New Contributor III

Ik convert to parquet using



New Contributor III


you can try:

my_df ="csv")

      .option("inferSchema","true")  # to get the types from your data

      .option("sep",",")            # if your file is using "," as separator

      .option("header","true")       # if your file have the header in the first row



from above you can see that my_df is a spark dataframe and from there you can start with you code.

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