I'm trying to debug an issue connecting to Azure Databricks from a CentOS 7 machine. Testing on my own machine only required unixODBC, the databricks-odbc driver and the connection string which all worked fine. When I test from the CentOS 7 machine, I get the following error:
Simba::ODBC::Connection::SQLDriverConnectW: [Simba][Hardy] (69) Unknown error occurred during test connection
The connection logs seem to suggest this is down to an issue setting the Thrift Session Tag(?). I cannot find any information on this, or the Unknown error. I have checked that the machine and connect with telnet and curl, the certs are fine, TLS connection looks ok etc. It's worth noting I have also tested this on a CentOS 7 VM on my local machine and it worked there too, so doesn't appear to be due to that.
It does still seem like a network issue I just can't figure out how, mostly because I don't know what "AddSessionTagHeader" is really doing.
Is there any documentation around this that might help that I've missed?
Simba::SparkODBC::SOSessionManager::GetSession: +++++ enter +++++
Simba::SparkODBC::SOSessionManager::GetSession: Setting SERVER_NAME and DBMS_VER in OpenSession getInfos field.
Simba::SparkODBC::SOSessionManager::GetSession: Getting new session handle.
Simba::SparkODBC::SOTCLIServiceThreadSafeClient::OpenSession: TOpenSessionReq
client_protocol = HIVE_CLI_SERVICE_PROTOCOL_V1
client_protocol_i64 = SPARK_CLI_SERVICE_PROTOCOL_V8
Simba::SparkODBC::SOTCLIServiceThreadSafeClient::OpenSession: Reinitialized cookies cache in connection settings.
Simba::SparkODBC::SOTCLIServiceThreadSafeClient::OpenSession: +++++ profile enter +++++
Simba::ThriftExtension::TESettings::AddSessionTagHeader: +++++ enter +++++
Simba::SparkODBC::SOTCLIServiceThreadSafeClient::OpenSession: +++++ profile leave +++++
Simba::SparkODBC::SOTCLIServiceClient::~SOTCLIServiceClient: +++++ enter +++++
Simba::SparkODBC::SOHiveCxnPool::ReleaseBackendCxn: +++++ enter +++++
Simba::SparkODBC::SOHiveCxnPool::ReleaseBackendCxn: Add HS2 connection back to pool.
Simba::SparkODBC::SOConnection::SetProperty: +++++ enter +++++
Simba::ODBC::Connection::SQLDriverConnectW: [Simba][Hardy] (69) Unknown error occurred during test connection.