@Sam Gā :
It seems like the issue is related to the py4j library used by Spark, and not specifically related to joblib or multiprocessing. The error message indicates a network error while sending a command between the Python process and the Java Virtual Machine (JVM) running Spark.
To suppress the error messages, you can add the following lines of code to your setup_logging function:
This will set the log level of the py4j and py4j.java_gateway modules to ERROR, which will suppress their log messages.
Regarding the issue with logging within multiprocessing, you can try using a QueueHandler and QueueListener to send log messages from child processes back to the parent process, where they can be logged normally. Here's an example:
import logging
import os
from joblib import Parallel, delayed
from multiprocessing import Queue, current_process
from logging.handlers import QueueHandler, QueueListener
from time import sleep
def setup_logging():
format="%(asctime)s [%(levelname)s] - %(message)s",
datefmt="%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
pyspark_log = logging.getLogger('pyspark')
# Create a queue handler and listener for logging in child processes
log_queue = Queue(-1)
queue_handler = QueueHandler(log_queue)
queue_listener = QueueListener(log_queue, logging.getLogger())
# Start the queue listener in a separate thread
def calculate_square(number, log_queue):
sleep(1) # Simulate a time-consuming task
result = number ** 2
logging.info(f"[{current_process().name}] Square of {number} is {result}")
log_queue.put(f"[{current_process().name}] Square of {number} is {result}")
return result
logging.info(f"Starting multiprocessing")
# List of numbers to calculate squares
numbers = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
# Using joblib for multiprocessing
n_jobs = os.cpu_count()
# Create a queue for logging in child processes
log_queue = Queue(-1)
# Create a delayed function with the log_queue as an argument
def delayed_func(num):
return delayed(calculate_square)(num, log_queue)
results = Parallel(n_jobs=n_jobs)(delayed_func(num) for num in numbers)
# Stop the queue listener once all child processes have finished logging
print(f"Squares: {results}")
This code creates a queue handler and listener for logging in child processes, and passes the queue to the calculate_square function as an argument. The function logs the square calculation to both the local logger and the queue, which is then processed by the listener running in the main process.
Note that the queue listener should be stopped once all child processes have finished logging, which is done in the example code using the queue_listener.stop() method.