I'm using the docs here: https://docs.databricks.com/en/data-sharing/read-data-open.html#store-creds
However I am unable to read the stored file which is sucessfully created with the following code:
When I attempt to read back the file with the following example code:
import delta_sharing
client = delta_sharing.SharingClient(f"dbfs:/FileStore/extraction/config.share")
The following error is received:
FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/databricks/driver/dbfs:/FileStore/extraction/config.share'
File <command-3352291941134744>, line 2
1 import delta_sharing
----> 2 client = delta_sharing.SharingClient(f"dbfs:/FileStore/extraction/config.share")
3 client.list_all_tables()
File /local_disk0/.ephemeral_nfs/envs/pythonEnv-fe1622b9-cf42-4ef3-9ffc-a7ec8a5b3a2e/lib/python3.11/site-packages/fsspec/implementations/local.py:360, in LocalFileOpener._open(self)
358 if self.f is None or self.f.closed:
359 if self.autocommit or "w" not in self.mode:
--> 360 self.f = open(self.path, mode=self.mode)
361 if self.compression:
362 compress = compr[self.compression]
The file browser in Catalog, DBFS shows that the file is present.
What is going on here? Also why is the documentation incorrect?
Thanks in advance