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snowflake python connector import error

New Contributor II


--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ImportError Traceback (most recent call last) File <command-1961894174266859>:1 ----> 1 con = snowflake.connector.connect( 2 user=USER, 3 password=SNOWSQL_PWD, 4 account=ACCOUNT, 5 warehouse=WAREHOUSE, 6 database=DATABASE, 7 schema=SCHEMA 8 ) File /local_disk0/.ephemeral_nfs/envs/pythonEnv-19827119-02a3-470d-a680-956e941ee526/lib/python3.9/site-packages/snowflake/connector/, in Connect(**kwargs) 52 @wraps(SnowflakeConnection.__init__) 53 def Connect(**kwargs) -> SnowflakeConnection: ---> 54 return SnowflakeConnection(**kwargs) File /local_disk0/.ephemeral_nfs/envs/pythonEnv-19827119-02a3-470d-a680-956e941ee526/lib/python3.9/site-packages/snowflake/connector/, in SnowflakeConnection.__init__(self, connection_name, connections_file_path, **kwargs) 387 kwargs = _get_default_connection_params() 388 self.__set_error_attributes()


My notebook:



Community Manager
Community Manager

Hi @nyck33 , It appears that you’re encountering an ImportError related to the snowflake-connector-python package. 


Let’s troubleshoot this issue:


Module Not Found:

  • The error message indicates that Python cannot find the library snowflake-connector-python.
  • Ensure that you have explicitly installed the package using:pip install snowflake-connector-python

Version Compatibility:

File Naming Conflict:

Explicit Import:

  • Try importing the connector module explicitly:

Check Dependencies:

  • Ensure that you don’t have multiple versions of the Snowflake package installed.
  • If you’re specifically using the connector, uninstall any other conflicting packages:pip uninstall snowflake

Workspace Environment:

  • Confirm that you’re running your code in the correct environment (e.g., virtual environment or main Python environment).

Remember to follow these steps one by one to identify the root cause.


 If the issue persists, consider checking your notebook settings and verifying the package installation. 🚀.

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