09-14-2022 01:11 AM
I have took the azure datasets that are available for practice. I got the 10 days data from that dataset and now I want to save this data into DBFS in csv format. I have facing an error :
" No such file or directory: 'No such file or directory: '/dbfs/tmp/myfolder/mytest.csv'
but on the other hand if I am able to access the path directly from DBFS. This path is correct.
My code :
from azureml.opendatasets import NoaaIsdWeather
from datetime import datetime
from dateutil import parser
from dateutil.relativedelta import relativedelta
spark.sql('DROP Table if exists mytest')
dbutils.fs.rm("/dbfs/tmp/myfolder",recurse = True)
basepath = "/dbfs/tmp/myfolder"
raise Exception("The Folder "+ basepath + " already exist, this notebook will remove in the end")
start_date = parser.parse('2020-5-1')
end_date = parser.parse('2020-5-10')
isd = NoaaIsdWeather(start_date, end_date)
pdf = isd.to_spark_dataframe().toPandas().to_csv("/dbfs/tmp/myfolder/mytest.csv")
What should I do ?
09-15-2022 10:52 PM
Hi, post running .mkdirs command, could you please confirm where the .csv file has been copied?
08-15-2023 11:56 PM
Hi @learnerbricks
is this post already solved ? how you solved it?
08-16-2023 08:58 AM
hello, you should really avoid writing data to dfbs.
11-14-2023 08:34 PM
after some exercise you need to aware folder create in dbutils.fs.mkdirs("/dbfs/tmp/myfolder") it's created in /dbfs/dbfs/tmp/myfolder
if you want to access path to_csv("/dbfs/tmp/myfolder/mytest.csv") you should created with this script dbutils.fs.mkdirs('dbfs:/tmp/myfolder)
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