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spark is case sensitive?Spark is not case sensitive by default. If you have same column name in different case (Name, name), if you try to select either "Name" or "name" column you will get column ambiguity error.There is a way to handle this issue b...
Hi I had similar issues with parquet files when trying to query athena, fix was i had to inspect the parquet file since it contained columns such as "Name", "name" which the aws crawler / athena would interpret as a duplicate column since it would se...
Support of running multiple cells at a time in databricks notebookHi all,Now databricks notebook supports parallel run of commands in a single notebook that will help run ad hoc queries simultaneously without creating a separate notebook.Once you run...
Hi Team,I am observing that the functionality is not working as expected in the Trial workspace of Databricks. Is there a setting that needs to be enabled to allow independent SQL cells in a Databricks notebook to run in parallel, while dependent cel...
I have a field stored as a string in the format "12/30/2022 10:30:00 AM"If I use the function TO_DATE, I only get the date part... I want the full date and time.If I use the function TO_TIMESTAMP, I get the date and time, but it's assumed to be UTC, ...
Hi amazing community folks,Feel free to share your experience or knowledge regarding below questions:-1.) Can we pass a CTE sql statement into spark jdbc? i tried to do it i couldn't but i can pass normal sql (Select * from ) and it works. i heard th...
The problem is very simple, when you use TUMBLING window with append mode, then the window is closed only when the next message arrives (+watermark logic). In the current implementation, if you stop incoming streaming data, the last window will NEVER...
Is the limit per "table/dataframe" or for all tables/dataframes put together?The driver collects the data from all executors (which are having the respective table or dataframe) and distributes to all executors. When will the memory be released in bo...
I am trying to create database with external location abfss but facing the below error.AnalysisException: org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.metadata.HiveException: MetaException(message:Got exception:
Changing it to a CLUSTER level for OAuth authentication helped me solve the problem.I wish the notebook AI bot could tell me the solution.before the changes, my configraiotn was at the notebook leve.and it has below errorsAnalysisException: org.apac...
I am using databricks sql notebook to run these queries. I have a Python UDF like %python
from pyspark.sql.functions import udf
from pyspark.sql.types import StringType, DoubleType, DateType
def get_sell_price(sale_prices):
return sale_...
I had a similar situation where I was trying to order the days of the week from Monday to Sunday. I saw solutions that use Python but was wanting to do it all in SQL. My original attempt was to use: CONCAT_WS(',', COLLECT_LIST(DISTINCT t.LOAD_ORIG_...
I am using Databricks community edition for learning purposes.
I created some Hive-managed tables through spark sql as well as with df.saveAsTable options. But when I connect to a new cluser,
"Show databases"
only returns the default database....
As the file still in the dbfs you can just recreate the reference of your tables and continue the work, with something like this:db_name = "mydb"
from pathlib import Path
path_db = f"dbfs:/user/hive/warehouse/{db_name}.db/"
tables_dirs = dbutils.fs.l...
I have written a CTE in Spark SQL WITH temp_data AS (
CREATE VIEW AS temp_view FROM SELECT * FROM temp_view; I get a cryptic error. Is there a way to create a temp view from CTE using Spark SQL in databricks?
In the CTE you can't do a CREATE. It expects an expression in the form of expression_name [ ( column_name [ , ... ] ) ] [ AS ] ( query )where expression_name specifies a name for the common table expression.If you want to create a view from a CTE, y...
I have took the azure datasets that are available for practice. I got the 10 days data from that dataset and now I want to save this data into DBFS in csv format. I have facing an error :" No such file or directory: 'No such file or directory: '/dbfs...
Hi,after some exercise you need to aware folder create in dbutils.fs.mkdirs("/dbfs/tmp/myfolder") it's created in /dbfs/dbfs/tmp/myfolderif you want to access path to_csv("/dbfs/tmp/myfolder/mytest.csv") you should created with this script dbutils.fs...
Hi, I'm wondering if this is the expected behavior when using last or last_value in a window function? I've written a query like this:select
last_value(col2) over (partition by col1 order by col2) as column2_last
from values
For those stumbling across this; it seems LAST_VALUE emulates the same functionality as it does in SQL Server which does not, in most people's minds, have a proper row/range frame for the window. You can adjust it with the below syntax.I understand l...
from 10.4 LTS version we have low shuffle merge, so merge is more faster. But what about MERGE INTO function that we run in sql notebook of databricks. Is there any performance difference when we use databrciks pyspark ".merge" function vs databricks...
Hi @Roshan RC Thank you for posting your question in our community! We are happy to assist you.To help us provide you with the most accurate information, could you please take a moment to review the responses and select the one that best answers you...
While inserting into target table i am getting an error '"not enough data columns;target has 3 but the inserted data has 2" but it's the identity column which is the 8th column ".insert into table A(col 1,col 2,col3)select col2,col3from table Bjoin t...
Hi @sky blue Hope all is well! Just wanted to check in if you were able to resolve your issue and would you be happy to share the solution or mark an answer as best? Else please let us know if you need more help. We'd love to hear from you.Thanks!