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We have provisioned a new workspace in Azure using our own VNet. Upon creating the first cluster, I encounter this error:Control Plane Request Failure:
Failed to get instance bootstrap steps from the Databricks Control Plane. Please check that instan...
We are trying to connect Cognos 11.1.7 to Azure Databricks, but no success.Can you please help or guide us how to connect Cognos 11.1.7 to Azure Databricks.This is very critical to our user community. Can you please help or guide us how to connect Co...
When I run a job enabling using spot instances , I would like to know how many number of workers are using spot and how many number of workers are using on demand instances for a given job run In order to identify the spot instances we got for any...
Support of running multiple cells at a time in databricks notebookHi all,Now databricks notebook supports parallel run of commands in a single notebook that will help run ad hoc queries simultaneously without creating a separate notebook.Once you run...
Hi Team,I am observing that the functionality is not working as expected in the Trial workspace of Databricks. Is there a setting that needs to be enabled to allow independent SQL cells in a Databricks notebook to run in parallel, while dependent cel...
Hello all,Background:I am having an issue today with databricks using pyspark-sql and writing a delta table. The dataframe is made by doing an inner join between two tables and that is the table which I am trying to write to a delta table. The table ...
How to connect your Azure Data Lake Storage to Azure DatabricksStandard Workspace Private linkIn your storage accounts please go to “Networking” -> “Private endpoint connections” and click Add Private Endpoint.It is important to add private links in ...
I am new to Databricks. Please excuse my ignorance. My requirement is to convert the SQL query below into Databricks SQL. The query comes from EventLog table and the output of the query goes into EventSummaryThese queries can be found hereCREATE TABL...
you may explore the tool and services from Travinto Technologies . They have very good tools. We had explored their tool for our code coversion from Informatica, Datastage and abi initio to DATABRICKS , pyspark. Also we used for SQL queries, stored ...
In Databricks -->Workflows-->Job Runs we have a column "Run As".From where does this value come. We are getting a user id here but need to change it to a generic account. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks
I'm surprised why there no options to select "Run as" as something like "system user". Why all this complication with Service Principal? Where to report this ?@DataBricks
Hi amazing community folks,Feel free to share your experience or knowledge regarding below questions:-1.) Can we pass a CTE sql statement into spark jdbc? i tried to do it i couldn't but i can pass normal sql (Select * from ) and it works. i heard th...
Failure starting repl. Try detaching and re-attaching the Python repl did not start in 30 seconds. at com.databricks.backend.daemon.driver.IpykernelUtils$.startIpyKernel(JupyterDriverLocal.scala:1442) at com.databricks.b...
Notebook cell output results limit increased- 10,000 rows or 2 MB.Hi all,Now, databricks start showing the first 10000 rows instead of 1000 rows.That will reduce the time of re-execution while working on fewer sizes of data that have rows between 100...
working with delta files spark structure streaming , what is the maximum default chunk size in each batch?How do identify this type of spark configuration in databricks?#[Databricks SQL] #[Spark streaming] #[Spark structured streaming] #Spark
I am trying to create database with external location abfss but facing the below error.AnalysisException: org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.metadata.HiveException: MetaException(message:Got exception:
Changing it to a CLUSTER level for OAuth authentication helped me solve the problem.I wish the notebook AI bot could tell me the solution.before the changes, my configraiotn was at the notebook leve.and it has below errorsAnalysisException: org.apac...
Hi All, I have a scenario where my Exisiting Delta Table looks like below:Now I have an incremental data with an additional column i.e. owner:Dataframe Name --> scdDFBelow is the code snippet to merge Incremental Dataframe to targetTable, but the new...
In Databricks Runtime 15.2 and above, you can specify schema evolution in a merge statement using SQL or Delta table APIs:MERGE WITH SCHEMA EVOLUTION INTO targetUSING sourceON source.key = target.keyWHEN MATCHED THENUPDATE SET *WHEN NOT MATCHED THENI...
Is it possible to connect to SQL Server on-premise (Not Azure) from Databricks?I tried to ping my virtualbox VM (with Windows Server 2022) from within Databricks and the request timed out.%sh
ping is what my connection might look l...
I tried to connect to localhost sql server through databricks community edition, but it failed. I have created an IP rule on port 1433 allowed inbound connection from all public network, but still didn't connect. I tried locally using python its work...