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Hi, I am trying to write and create a delta table by enable "delta.columnMapping.mode","name", and the partition is date. But I found that when I enable this option, the partition folder name is not date any more while it is some random two letters.A...
Hello, I'm a bit late to the party, but I'll put that for posterity:There's a way to rename your weird two letter named folders and still have your table working, but it violates the good practices guidelines suggested by Data Bricks, and I don't thi...
I want to try incorporating these options into my databricks cluster.spark.driver.extraJavaOptions -XX:+UseG1GC -XX:+G1SummarizeConcMark
spark.executor.extraJavaOptions -XX:+UseG1GC -XX:+G1SummarizeConcMarkIf I put them under Compute -> Cluster -> Co...
hey @Andrew Fogarty , I think this is only for the spark-submit command, not for cluster UI.Please have a look at this doc - string of extra JVM...
Our vendor is looking to use Microsoft API Manager to retrieve data from a variety of sources. Is it possible to extract records from the delta lake by using an API?What I've tried:I reviewed the available databricks API's it looks like most of them ...
Another possibility for this potentially is to stand up a cluster and have a notebook running flask to create an API interface. I'm still looking into options, but it seems like there should be a baked in solution besides the JDBC connector. I'm not ...
I have a notebook that uses a Selenium Web Driver for Chrome and it works the first time I run the notebook. If I run the notebook again, it will not work and gives the error message: WebDriverException: Message: unknown error: unable to discover op...
Hi, @Dagart Allison . I've created a new version of the selenium with the databricks manual. Please look here
Executed a spark-submit job through databricks cli with the following job configurations.{
"job_id": 123,
"creator_user_name": "******",
"run_as_user_name": "******",
"run_as_owner": true,
"settings": {
"name": "44aa-8447-c123aad310",