New SQL Dashboard feature never loads
I've created the sample Taxi dashboard, but the charts never load?
- 3 replies
- 3 kudos
Do you have the full error stack trace? does this happens frequently? whats the size of your cluster?
- 3 kudos
I've created the sample Taxi dashboard, but the charts never load?
Do you have the full error stack trace? does this happens frequently? whats the size of your cluster?
I am trying to create a SQL Dashboard on top of a streaming dataset (Delta format). I created multiple queries referencing the file on the datalake, not a hive table. With these queries I created multiple visualizations in a Databricks SQL Dashboard....
@Jasper Puts :Here are some potential solutions or next steps you can try:Check the query refresh rate: Confirm that the queries are also set to refresh every minute or less. If the queries are not refreshing at the same rate as the dashboard, this ...
I am using SQL Dashboard report, there are around 400 columns in a table, I want to display some of the columns based on data, not all 400 columns should be a table have column named c1, c2,c3,c4 and rows r1, r2, r3, r4. The report shou...
You can build own logic using query parameters, and/or just select required columns based on case.
I am having to use Databricks SQL dashboard for some analysis, it seems very clunky. If i have multiple queries, is it possible to apply the same filters to all the queries in the dashboard or do i have to duplicate the filters for each query in the ...
Same issue here. According the docs, using query filters with the same name and values should result in a single dashboard filter. However, filters are duplicated. I also tried using this setting but no success
I have a query that is hitting a table I have access too. Granting access to everyone is not an option. I am using this query in a SQL Dashboard. One of the where clause conditions uses a parameter populated by another query. I want this parameter qu...
It is not possible to do what I want. Somewhat seems like a security flaw but what ever
Unable to set x axis range for charts in sql dashboard. The automatic range and padding that is set doesn't match across all plot types. For line charts with date type data on x axis, there is a padding on both sides of the plot. But for bar charts, ...
Hi,Anyone knows if there's a way to adjust the font size of label in the SQL visualization? Our dashboard users complain that it's too small.
It's on our radar to make this customisable in the future. For now, browser zoom as suggested by @debayan is the suggested workaround.
Hello, I have an issue, when I created my query, with an Order By, and my vizualization, everything was in the right order. Then, when I put it in my dashboard the order changed. As you can see with the pictures, when I clik on "edit visualization", ...
Hi @Laure Decaudin Hope all is well! Just wanted to check in if you were able to resolve your issue and would you be happy to share the solution or mark an answer as best? Else please let us know if you need more help. We'd love to hear from you.Tha...