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for example I have and in databricks and I want to use one of the module from in Usually I do this in my local machine by import statement like below
from one import module1
How to do this in databricks???...
This alternative worked for us:
I'm running oracledb package and it uses sessions. When you cancel a running query it doesn't close the session even if you have a try catch block because a cancel or interrupt issues a kill command on the process. Is there a method to catch the canc...
I was having the same issue and I think I was finally able to solve it!When you simply except and capture the KeyboardInterrupt signal and do not raise it, the notebook gets into an endless cycle of "interrupting..." and never does anything.However, ...
Support of running multiple cells at a time in databricks notebookHi all,Now databricks notebook supports parallel run of commands in a single notebook that will help run ad hoc queries simultaneously without creating a separate notebook.Once you run...
Hi Team,I am observing that the functionality is not working as expected in the Trial workspace of Databricks. Is there a setting that needs to be enabled to allow independent SQL cells in a Databricks notebook to run in parallel, while dependent cel...
We are trying to connect to IBM MQ and post message to MQ, which eventually consumed by mainframe application.What are the IBM MQ clients .jars / libraries installed in cluster ? if you have any sample code for connectivity that would be helpful.
Not sure it exists but maybe there is some trick to get directly from python code:NotebookNameCellTitlejust working on some logger script shared between notebooks and it could make my life a bit easier
I got the solution to work in terms of printing the notebook that I was running; however, what if you have notebook A that calls a function that prints the notebook name, and you run notebook B that %runs notebook A? I get the notebook B's name when...
Notebook cell output results limit increased- 10,000 rows or 2 MB.Hi all,Now, databricks start showing the first 10000 rows instead of 1000 rows.That will reduce the time of re-execution while working on fewer sizes of data that have rows between 100...
I have a daily running notebook that occasionally fails with the error:"Run result unavailable: job failed with error message Unexpected failure while waiting for the cluster Some((xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx) )to be readySome(: Cluster xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx is in un...
Cluster 'xxxxxxx' was terminated. Reason: WORKER_SETUP_FAILURE (SERVICE_FAULT). Parameters: databricks_error_message:DBFS Daemomn is not reachable., gcp_error_message:Unable to reach the colocated DBFS Daemon.Can Anyone help me how can we resolve thi...
while installing a python package on my databricks notebook, I kept getting a message saying that: "Note: you may need to restart the kernel using dbutils.library.restartPython() to use updated packages."I've tried restarting my cluster, also detach ...
@Evan_MCK Follow-up question:When other notebooks run Python code on the same cluster, will those runs be aborted when dbutils.library.restartPython() is called?
Hi! I'm looking for a solution to save a notebook in HTML format that has the "Results Only" view (without the executed code). Is there any possibility to do that?Thank you
Use option "+New dashboard" in the top menu (picture icon). Add results there (use display() in code to show data), and then you can export the dashboard to HTML.
Scenario:I tried to run notebook_primary as a job with same parameters' map. This notebook is orchestrator for notebooks_sec_1, notebooks_sec_2, and notebooks_sec_3 and next. I run them by, timeout, arguments) function.So ho...
I have created a job that contains a notebook that reads a file from Azure Storage. The file-name contains the date of when the file was transferred to the storage. A new file arrives every Monday, and the read-job is scheduled to run every Monday. I...
Hi, I guess the files are in the same directory structure so that you can use cloud files autoloader. It will incrementally read only new files it will ...
Is it possible to attach a notebook to cluster and run it via the REST API?The closest approach I have found is to run a notebook, export the results (HTML!) and import it into the workspace again, but this does not allow us to retain the original ex...
I'm looking for a way to programmatically copy a notebook in Databricks using the workspace/export and workspace/import APIs. Once the notebook is copied, I want to automatically attach it to a specific cluster using its cluster ID. The challenge is ...
I saw this notebook: htmlwidgets-azure - Databricks (, it is not reproducible. I got a lot errors:there is no package called ‘R.utils’. This is easy to fix, just install the package "R.utils""can not be unloaded". This is not ...
Hi yalei, Did you have any luck fixing this issue? I am also trying to replicate the htmlwidgets notebook and am running into the same error.Unfortunately, the suggestions provided by Kaniz_Fatma below did not work.
I am having the same issue (Azure Databricks).I have a running compute cluster analytics-compute-cluster running in Single User access mode. The Event Log for the cluster says the cluster is running and the "Driver is healthy".I have Manage permissi...