I am trying to use a UDF to get the last day of the month and use the boolean result of the function in an insert command. Please find herewith the function and the my query.
import calendar
from datetime import datetime, date, timedelta
def getMonthEndDate(curr_dt: int😞
curr_dt = datetime.strptime(str(curr_dt),'%Y%m%d').date()
print("Provided date is: ",curr_dt)
print("Last Business Day of the Month is: ",me_date)
if me_date == curr_dt:
return True
return False
def getLastBusinessDateInMonth(year: int, month: int) -> int:
return date(year, month, max(calendar.monthcalendar(year, month)[-1][:5]))
spark.udf.register("isMonthEnd1", getMonthEndDate)
INSERT INTO test.metadata(id, reporting_date, run_id, run_type, batch_type, is_latest, create_date, create_time,is_month_end)
VALUES(11, 20240409, 00, 0, 'Test', 1, NULL, NULL,isMonthEnd1(20240409));
when I execute this notebook I am getting this following error
Could someone please help?
AnalysisException: [INVALID_INLINE_TABLE.CANNOT_EVALUATE_EXPRESSION_IN_INLINE_TABLE] Invalid inline table. Cannot evaluate the expression "isMonthEnd1(20240409)" in inline table definition.