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Hi there,I'm curious if anyone is able to definitively help me answer how DLT Job Clusters operate/run.For example, the following is my baseline understanding of DLT Job Clusters. If I run a Triggered DLT Pipeline (e.g. daily) the job cluster takes m...
Ideally one would expect clusters used for DLT pipeline to terminate after the pipeline execution has finished. However, while running in `development` environment, you'll notice it doesn't terminate on its own, whereas in `production` it terminates ...
I'm trying to figure out what's the best way to "de-duplicate" data via DLT. Currently, my only leads are:Manage data quality with Delta Live Tables | Databricks on AWSVia "Drop invalid records"Constraints on Databricks | Databricks on AWSVia "pre-de...
Hey @ChristianRRL ,Based on my understanding you want to de-duplicate your data during your DLT pipeline processing unfortunately I was not able to find a solution to this when I ran into this problem due to the native feature limitations.Limitations...
Super basic question. For DLT pipelines I see there's an option to add multiple "Paths". Is it generally best practice to completely separate `bronze` from `silver` notebooks? Or is it more recommended to bundle both raw `bronze` and clean `silver` d...
Hi there, I'm wondering if someone can help me understand what compute resources DLT uses? It's not clear to me at all if it uses the last compute cluster I had been working on, or something else entirely.Can someone please help clarify this?
Well, one thing they emphasize in the 'Adavanced Data Engineer' Training is that job-clusters will terminate within 5 minutes after a job is completed. So this could be in support of your theory to lower costs. I think job-cluster are actually design...
Good day,I am trying to use Auto Loader (potentially extending into DLT in the future) to easily pull data coming from an external system (currently located in a single location) and organize it and load it respectively. I am struggling quite a bit a...
Quick follow-up on this @Retired_mod (or to anyone else in the Databricks multi-verse who is able to help clarify this case).I understand that the proposed solution would work for a "one-to-one" case where many files are landing in a specific dbfs pa...
Hi all,I hope you could help me to figure out what I am missing.I'm trying to do a simple thing. To read the data from the data ingestion zone (csv files saved to Azure Storage Account) using the Delta Live Tables pipeline and share the resulting tab...