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since ‎11-30-2022

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  • 16 Posts
  • 1 Solutions
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  • 9 Kudos received

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Importing or cloning the .dbc Folder from "advanced-data-engineering-with-databricks" into my own workspace fails with a time-out. The folder is incomplete How can I fix this?I tried download and import the file and via URL... 
HiWhat's the best way to deal with SCD2-styled tables in silver and/or gold layer while streaming.From what I've seen in the Professional Data Engineer videos, they usually go for SCD1 tables (simple updates or deletes)In a SCD2 scenario, we need to ...
Hi,I recently completed the fundamentals & advanced data engineer exam, yet I've got a question about Autoloader. Please don't go too hard on me, since I lack practical experience at this point in time Docs say this is incremental ingestion, so it's...
Since I am porting some code from Oracle to Databricks, I have another specific question.In Oracle there's something called Virtual Private Database, VPD. It's a simple security feature used to generate a WHERE-clause which the system will add to a u...
I am aware, I can load anything into a DataFrame using JDBC, that works well from Oracle sources. Is there an equivalent in Spark SQL, so I can combine datasets as well?Basically something like so - you get the lt.field1, rt.fie...