02-12-2024 03:47 AM
I'm currently trying to migrate a project from dbx to Databricks Asset Bundles. I have successfully created the required profile using U2M authentication with the command
```databricks auth login --host <host-name>```
I'm able to see the new profile adb-6779217299298465 when running
```databricks auth profiles```
but in column "Valid" I get no.
Moreover, when running databricks auth env I get the following error message:
Error: default auth: metadata-service: token request: Get "": dial tcp connect: connection refused. Config: host=https://adb-6779217299298465.5.azuredatabricks.net, cluster_id=0323-081844-qaifark7, metadata_service_url=***, profile=DEFAULT. Env: DATABRICKS_HOST, DATABRICKS_CLUSTER_ID, DATABRICKS_METADATA_SERVICE_URL
Can someone tell me what I'm doing wrong.
I'm running Databricks CLI version 0.212.4
Kind regards
02-15-2024 01:30 AM
Hi @BLPedersen
This looks like a known issue where environment variables are not updated properly by VS Code in the terminal.
Can you please check the metadata_service url in the Databricks configuration file and the metadata_service_url from .databricks.env file.
Replace the metadata_service_url in databricks cfg file with metadata_service_url from .databricks.env file of a directory from visual studio code.
Let me know if that helps.
02-15-2024 01:35 AM
Actually out of nowhere it started working. Question can be closed.
05-12-2024 01:35 AM
I ran into a similar error just now, and in my case, Pycharm was running some iPython startup scripts each time it opened a console. There was, for some reason, a file at `~/.ipython/profile_default/startup/00-databricks-init-a5acf3baa440a896fa364d183279094b.py'` that I have no recollection of creating or configuring which all of a sudden became an issue when I installed iPython in my project (it may have something to do with Databricks configuring global variables to be available across both the cluster WebUI and local envs?). Removing the script allowed me to proceed through the documented auth methods. Here's the script in case it helps with any future bug fixing:
from contextlib import contextmanager
import functools
import json
from typing import Any, Union, List
import os
import shlex
import warnings
import tempfile
def logError(function_name: str, e: Union[str, Exception]):
import sys
msg = [function_name]
typ = type(e)
if hasattr(typ, '__name__'):
print(':'.join(msg), file=sys.stderr)
from IPython import get_ipython
from IPython.core.magic import magics_class, Magics, line_magic, needs_local_scope
except Exception as e:
logError("Ipython Imports", e)
__disposables = []
def disposable(f):
if hasattr(f, '__name__'):
return f
def logErrorAndContinue(f):
def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
return f(*args, **kwargs)
except Exception as e:
logError(f.__name__, e)
return wrapper
def load_env_from_leaf(path: str) -> bool:
curdir = path if os.path.isdir(path) else os.path.dirname(path)
env_file_path = os.path.join(curdir, ".databricks", ".databricks.env")
if os.path.exists(os.path.dirname(env_file_path)):
with open(env_file_path, "r") as f:
for line in f.readlines():
key, value = line.strip().split("=", 1)
os.environ[key] = value
return True
parent = os.path.dirname(curdir)
if parent == curdir:
return False
return load_env_from_leaf(parent)
def create_and_register_databricks_globals():
from databricks.sdk.runtime import dbutils
from IPython.display import HTML
from pyspark.sql import functions as udf, SparkSession
from databricks.connect import DatabricksSession
# "table", "sc", "sqlContext" are missing
spark: SparkSession = DatabricksSession.builder.getOrCreate()
sql = spark.sql
# We do this to prevent importing widgets implementation prematurely
# The widget import should prompt users to use the implementation
# which has ipywidget support.
def getArgument(*args, **kwargs):
return dbutils.widgets.getArgument(*args, **kwargs)
globals()['dbutils'] = dbutils
globals()['spark'] = spark
globals()['sql'] = sql
globals()['getArgument'] = getArgument
globals()['displayHTML'] = HTML
globals()['udf'] = udf
class EnvLoader:
transform: type = str
def __init__(self, env_name: str, default: any = None, required: bool = False):
self.env_name = env_name
self.default = default
self.required = required
def __get__(self, instance, owner):
if self.env_name in os.environ:
return self.transform(os.environ[self.env_name])
if self.required:
raise AttributeError(
"Missing required environment variable: " + self.env_name)
return self.default
def __set__(self, instance, value):
return AttributeError("Can't set a value for properties loaded from env: " + self.env_name)
class LocalDatabricksNotebookConfig:
project_root: str = EnvLoader("DATABRICKS_PROJECT_ROOT", required=True)
dataframe_display_limit: int = EnvLoader("DATABRICKS_DF_DISPLAY_LIMIT", 20)
def __new__(cls):
annotations = cls.__dict__['__annotations__']
for attr in annotations:
cls.__dict__[attr].transform = annotations[attr]
return object.__new__(cls)
class DatabricksMagics(Magics):
def fs(self, line: str, local_ns):
args = shlex.split(line)
if len(args) == 0:
cmd_str = args[0]
dbutils = local_ns["dbutils"]
if not hasattr(dbutils.fs, cmd_str):
raise NameError(
+ " is not a valid command for %fs. Valid commands are "
+ ", ".join(
list(filter(lambda i: not i.startswith(
"_"), dbutils.fs.__dir__()))
cmd = dbutils.fs.__getattribute__(cmd_str)
return cmd(*args[1:])
def is_databricks_notebook(py_file: str):
if os.path.exists(py_file):
with open(py_file, "r") as f:
return "Databricks notebook source" in f.readline()
def strip_hash_magic(lines: List[str]) -> List[str]:
if len(lines) == 0:
return lines
if lines[0].startswith("# MAGIC"):
return [line.partition("# MAGIC ")[2] for line in lines]
return lines
def convert_databricks_notebook_to_ipynb(py_file: str):
cells: List[dict[str, Any]] = [
"cell_type": "code",
"source": "import os\nos.chdir('" + os.path.dirname(py_file) + "')\n",
"metadata": {},
'outputs': [],
'execution_count': None
with open(py_file) as file:
text = file.read()
for cell in text.split("# COMMAND ----------"):
cell = ''.join(strip_hash_magic(cell.strip().splitlines(keepends=True)))
"cell_type": "code",
"source": cell,
"metadata": {},
'outputs': [],
'execution_count': None
return json.dumps({
'cells': cells,
'metadata': {},
'nbformat': 4,
'nbformat_minor': 2
def databricks_notebook_exec_env(project_root: str, py_file: str):
import sys
old_sys_path = sys.path
old_cwd = os.getcwd()
if is_databricks_notebook(py_file):
notebook = convert_databricks_notebook_to_ipynb(py_file)
with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(suffix=".ipynb") as f:
yield f.name
yield py_file
sys.path = old_sys_path
def register_magics(cfg: LocalDatabricksNotebookConfig):
def warn_for_dbr_alternative(magic: str):
# Magics that are not supported on Databricks but work in jupyter notebooks.
# We show a warning, prompting users to use a databricks equivalent instead.
local_magic_dbr_alternative = {"%%sh": "%sh"}
if magic in local_magic_dbr_alternative:
"\n" + magic
+ " is not supported on Databricks. This notebook might fail when running on a Databricks cluster.\n"
"Consider using %"
+ local_magic_dbr_alternative[magic]
+ " instead."
def throw_if_not_supported(magic: str):
# These are magics that are supported on dbr but not locally.
unsupported_dbr_magics = ["%r", "%scala"]
if magic in unsupported_dbr_magics:
raise NotImplementedError(
+ " is not supported for local Databricks Notebooks."
def is_cell_magic(lines: List[str]):
def get_cell_magic(lines: List[str]):
if len(lines) == 0:
if lines[0].strip().startswith("%%"):
return lines[0].split(" ")[0].strip()
def handle(lines: List[str]):
cell_magic = get_cell_magic(lines)
if cell_magic is None:
return lines
return lines
is_cell_magic.handle = handle
return get_cell_magic(lines) is not None
def is_line_magic(lines: List[str]):
def get_line_magic(lines: List[str]):
if len(lines) == 0:
if lines[0].strip().startswith("%"):
return lines[0].split(" ")[0].strip().strip("%")
def handle(lines: List[str]):
lmagic = get_line_magic(lines)
if lmagic is None:
return lines
if lmagic == "md" or lmagic == "md-sandbox":
lines[0] = (
"%%markdown" +
lines[0].partition("%" + lmagic)[2]
return lines
if lmagic == "sh":
lines[0] = "%%sh" + \
lines[0].partition("%" + lmagic)[2]
return lines
if lmagic == "sql":
lines = lines[1:]
spark_string = (
"global _sqldf\n"
+ "_sqldf = spark.sql('''"
+ "".join(lines).replace("'", "\\'")
+ "''')\n"
+ "_sqldf"
return spark_string.splitlines(keepends=True)
if lmagic == "python":
return lines[1:]
if lmagic == "run":
rest = lines[0].strip().split(" ")[1:]
if len(rest) == 0:
return lines
filename = rest[0]
for suffix in ["", ".py", ".ipynb", ".ipy"]:
if os.path.exists(os.path.join(os.getcwd(), filename + suffix)):
filename = filename + suffix
return [
f"with databricks_notebook_exec_env('{cfg.project_root}', '{filename}') as file:\n",
"\t%run -i {file} " + lines[0].partition('%run')[2].partition(filename)[2] + "\n"
return lines
is_line_magic.handle = handle
return get_line_magic(lines) is not None
def parse_line_for_databricks_magics(lines: List[str]):
if len(lines) == 0:
return lines
lines = [line for line in lines
if line.strip() != "# Databricks notebook source" and \
line.strip() != "# COMMAND ----------"
lines = ''.join(lines).strip().splitlines(keepends=True)
lines = strip_hash_magic(lines)
for magic_check in [is_cell_magic, is_line_magic]:
if magic_check(lines):
return magic_check.handle(lines)
return lines
ip = get_ipython()
def register_formatters(notebook_config: LocalDatabricksNotebookConfig):
from pyspark.sql.connect.dataframe import DataFrame as SparkConnectDataframe
from pyspark.sql import DataFrame
def df_html(df):
return df.limit(notebook_config.dataframe_display_limit).toPandas().to_html()
html_formatter = get_ipython().display_formatter.formatters["text/html"]
html_formatter.for_type(SparkConnectDataframe, df_html)
html_formatter.for_type(DataFrame, df_html)
def update_sys_path(notebook_config: LocalDatabricksNotebookConfig):
def make_matplotlib_inline():
import matplotlib
get_ipython().run_line_magic("matplotlib", "inline")
except Exception as e:
global _sqldf
import sys
if not load_env_from_leaf(os.getcwd()):
cfg = LocalDatabricksNotebookConfig()
for i in __disposables + ['__disposables']:
except Exception as e:
logError("unknown", e)
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