I'm in a Data Science Bootcamp, and the final case study includes data preprocessing (done), using a linear regression model on the data, then porting to SQL for visualization. The model build uses custom python code provided as part of the exercise. I've attached that code, and the two files that the code pickles.
Python command used:
model = absenteeism_model('/dbfs/FileStore/shared_uploads/1009276498.DIGIOVANN/model', '/dbfs/FileStore/shared_uploads/1009276498.DIGIOVANN/scaler')
Even with the explicit path provided to these files, I get the error below.
EOFError Traceback (most recent call last)
<command-725274> in <module>
----> 1 model = absenteeism_model('/dbfs/FileStore/shared_uploads/1009276498.DIGIOVANN/model', '/dbfs/FileStore/shared_uploads/1009276498.DIGIOVANN/scaler')
/dbfs/FileStore/shared_uploads/1009276498.DIGIOVANN/absenteeism_module.py in __init__(self, model_file, scaler_file)
41 with open('model','rb') as model_file, open('scaler', 'rb') as scaler_file:
42 self.reg = pickle.load(model_file)
---> 43 self.scaler = pickle.load(scaler_file)
44 self.data = None
EOFError: Ran out of input