I am facing the below error while fitting my model. I am trying to run a model with cross validation with a pipeline inside of it. Below is the code snippet for data transformation:
qd = QuantileDiscretizer(relativeError=0.01, handleInvalid="error", numBuckets=4,
inputCols=["time"], outputCols=["time_qd"])
#Normalize Vector
scaler = StandardScaler()\
.setInputCol ("vectorized_features")\
.setOutputCol ("features")
#Encoder for VesselTypeGroupName
encoder = StringIndexer(handleInvalid='skip')\
.setInputCols (["type"])\
.setOutputCols (["type_enc"])
#OneHot encoding categorical variables
encoder1 = OneHotEncoder()\
.setInputCols (["type_enc", "ID1", "ID12", "time_qd"])\
.setOutputCols (["type_enc1", "ID1_enc", "ID12_enc", "time_qd_enc"])
#Assembling Variables
assembler = VectorAssembler(handleInvalid="keep")\
.setInputCols (["type_enc1", "ID1_enc", "ID12_enc", "time_qd_enc"]) \
.setOutputCol ("vectorized_features")
The total number of features after one hot encoding will not exceed 200. The model code is below:
lr = LogisticRegression(featuresCol = 'features', labelCol = 'label',
pipeline_stages = Pipeline(stages=[qd , encoder, encoder1 , assembler , scaler, lr])
#Create Logistic Regression parameter grids for parameter tuning
paramGrid_lr = (ParamGridBuilder()
.addGrid(lr.regParam, [0.01, 0.5, 2.0])# regularization parameter
.addGrid(lr.elasticNetParam, [0.0, 0.5, 1.0])# Elastic Net Parameter (Ridge = 0)
.addGrid(lr.maxIter, [1, 10, 20])# Number of iterations
cv_lr = CrossValidator(estimator=pipeline_stages, estimatorParamMaps=paramGrid_lr,
evaluator=BinaryClassificationEvaluator(), numFolds=5, seed=42)
cv_lr_model = cv_lr.fit(train_df)
.fit method throws the below error:
I have tried increasing the driver memory (28GB ram with 8 cores) but still facing the same error. Please help what is the cause of this issue.