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New Contributor III
since ‎02-13-2023

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  • 13 Posts
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  • 1 Kudos given
  • 3 Kudos received

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Hi Team , I am facing issue while reading iceberg table from S3 and getting none error when read the data . below steps I followed .Added Iceberg Spark connector library to your Databricks cluster. 2. Cluster Configuration to Enable Iceberg ...
Hi team Log files are not getting deleted automatically after logRetentionDuration internal from delta log folder and after analysis , I see checkpoint files are not getting created after 10 commits . Below table properties using spark.sql(    f"""  ...
Can you please help technical pros and cons for running SQL query in databricks notebook (data engineering workspace) and serverless warehouse SQL editor
When we executing SQL query in databricks SQL warehouse editor what will be best practices to optimize the execution plan and get result faster
Time travel and version control- can create custom version control for each day data load when multiple updates happening in a day. For example , let’s assume we are doing multiple operation on table in a day every minute and want to keep time travel...
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