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New Contributor III
since ‎07-01-2022

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  • 6 Posts
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  • 3 Kudos given
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Topic. I am trying to upgrade some external tables in our hive metastore to the unity catalog. I used the upgrade functionality in the UI, as well as its provided SQL: CREATE TABLE `unity_catalog`.`default`.`table` LIKE `hive_metastore`.`schema`.`tab...
Getting this error in dbt when trying to run a query. Not happening in the actual SQL warehouse in Databricks. Is this a bug? Can only find source code when I search 'DatabricksSQLCursorWrapper' but no documentation or information otherwise.
First the exploratory notebook fails, though when I run it manually it works just fine.After that, the AutoML notebook eventually fails without completing any trials. I get this: Tried to attach usage logger `pyspark.databricks.pandas.usage_logger`, ...
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