I want to import the ibapi python module in Azure Databricks Notebook.
Before this, I downloaded the the TWS API folder from https://interactivebrokers.github.io/#
I need to go through the following steps to install the API:
- Download and install TWS Gateway or Client
- Download and install Python to C:\Program Files\python...
- Setup additional PATH environment variables (see pip warnings)
- Install wheel, i.e. type in the command line: py -m pip install wheel
- Download "API Latest" (or latest version that contains python) from http://interactivebrokers.github.io/ and install into the folder X as proposed (but for python the directory shouldn't matter)
- Go to X/.../source/pythonclient/ (cd in command line)
- Build a wheel, i.e. py setup.py bdist_wheel
- Look up the whl file in folder ./dist: should be something like ibapi-9.7x.x..
- Install the wheel, i.e. py -m pip install --user --upgrade dist/ibapi-9.73.7-py3-none-any.whl
Reference: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/57618117/installing-the-ibapi-package/59829707#59829707
I checked the Databricks Install library methods. It seems the closest solution is to import JAR or Python Whl files.
However, the API folder does not have JAR or .whl files.
May I know whether there is any method that allows me to do the following things in Databricks?
- import the entire folder
- cd the folder and run py setup.py bdist wheel bash script. (For this operation, write privilege folder right is needed)
Thank you!