If I try to create a Volume, I get this error:
Failed to access cloud storage: AbfsRestOperationException exceptionTraceId=fa207c57-db1a-406e-926f-4a7ff0e4afdd
When i try to create a table, I get this error:
Error creating table
[RequestId=4b8fedcf-24b3-4ef8-9636-4bfd06ba0a70 ErrorClass=INVALID_STATE.UC_CLOUD_STORAGE_ACCESS_FAILURE] Failed to access cloud storage: AbfsRestOperationException exceptionTraceId=aa18d5df-f1ff-488b-904e-91f706613b8f
The storage container has Storage Blob Contributer Access. The Storage Account also has access.
Is it just me, or is the Azure implementation of Databricks incredibly obtuse to setup?