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Create external table using multiple paths/locations

New Contributor III

I want to create an external table from more than a single path. I have configured my storage creds and added an external location, and I can successfully create a table using the following code;

create table test.base.Example
using csv
options ( 
  header = "true"
location 'abfss://'

But I have lots of data partitioned by month and date so I'm wondering if there is anyway to import data from multiple paths using wildcards or something similar as outlined in the code below?

create table test.base.Example
using csv
options ( 
  header = "true"
location 'abfss://*/*/data/'

Many thanks



Hi @Retired_mod, hope you are well.

This is still not working for me.

For example:

  • Full path works fine: 
    • abfss://<container>@<storage_account><subfolder1>/<subfolder2>/<subfolder3>/part_0_0001.csv
  • But as soon as a use wildcard, any of below options fail:
    • abfss://<container>@<storage_account><subfolder1>/<subfolder2>/<subfolder3>/*.csv  (on File name)
    • abfss://<container>@<storage_account><subfolder1>/<subfolder2>/*/part_00001.csv (on Subfolder)
      Failure to initialize configuration for storage account <storage_account> Invalid configuration value detected for 
My table settings are:
OPTIONS ( 'DATEFORMAT' = 'MM/dd/yyyy''ESCAPE' = '"''HEADER' = 'true')
Any suggestions?




Databricks Employee
Databricks Employee

You do not have to create all the partition folders yourslef.

You just need to specify the parent folder like 

CREATE OR REPLACE TABLE <catalog>.<schema>.<table-name>
USING <format>
PARTITIONED BY (<partition-column-list>)
LOCATION 's3://<bucket-path>/<table-directory>';


some more read -

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