I think that you are looking to provide a "LOCATION" for your database on DBFS. When you provide a location for your database all the tables will be created within that folder by default.
See a create table example below:
CREATE TABLE [ IF NOT EXISTS ] table_identifier
[ ( col_name1 col_type1 [ COMMENT col_comment1 ], ... ) ]
USING data_source
[ OPTIONS ( key1 [ = ] val1, key2 [ = ] val2, ... ) ]
[ PARTITIONED BY ( col_name1, col_name2, ... ) ]
[ CLUSTERED BY ( col_name3, col_name4, ... )
[ SORTED BY ( col_name [ ASC | DESC ], ... ) ]
INTO num_buckets BUCKETS ]
[ LOCATION path ]
[ COMMENT table_comment ]
[ TBLPROPERTIES ( key1 [ = ] val1, key2 [ = ] val2, ... ) ]
[ AS select_statement ]