I want to control which schema a notebook writes. I want it to depend on the user that runs the notebook.
For now, the scope is to suport languages Python and SQL. I have written a Python function, `get_path`, that returns the full path of the destination.
My idea was to create a SQL function that wraps the Python function.
create or replace function GETPATH(catalog_name string, schema_name string, table_name string)
returns string
language python
as $$
from path import get_path
return get_path(catalog_name, schema_name, table_name)
Surprisingly, or not so much so, this doesn't work.
Any idea how to implement something like this? It might be, that it should handled completely different.
If I can set the catalog and schema of notebooks in a folder somewhere else so that the notebook only defines the table name, it would also solve the problem.