I'm creating external table from existing external location and am a bit puzzled as to what permissions I need for it or what is the correct way of defining the S3 path with wildcards.
create external table if not exists test_catalogue_dev.bronze.test_external
using csv
location 's3://test-data/full/2023/01/*/'
recursiveFileLookup "true",
ignoreExtension "true",
infereSchema "true"
returns java.nio.file.AccessDeniedException, yet:
create external table if not exists test_catalogue_dev.bronze.test_external
using csv
location 's3://test-data/full/2023/01/01/'
recursiveFileLookup "true",
ignoreExtension "true",
infereSchema "true"
happily creates one.
Is using a wildcard trying to put something in the external bucket?