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failed to initialise azure-event-hub with azure AAD(service principal)


We have been trying to authenticate azure-event-hub with azure AD(service principal) instead of shared access key(connection string) and read events from azure-event-hub and it is failing to initialise azure-event-hubs. And throwing no such method exception.

I am attaching the screenshot for the full error.

Error message fullFrom the error i can see it is because of scala run time compatibility, can someone help me with this please ? I am not sure if i am missing something here.

Following are my configurations:

  1. I am using databricks run time 10.4 LTS.
  2. Azure service principle has 'Azure event hub data receiver' permission
  3. installed following dependencies on 10.4 LTS

4.Trying to implement solutions given in the repositories below. spark/blob/master/docs/ &

 @Alex Ott​  please could you help with this


Databricks Employee
Databricks Employee

Just follow instructions from my repository (don't use azure docs):

  1. Build with correct profile
  2. install correct dependencies
  3. configure as per readme

I've tested it on 10.4, and everything worked just fine

@Alex Ott​ thank you for your reply, I am working on scala implementation for this, any suggestions in that case ?

I have added ServicePrincipalCredentialsAuth and ServicePrincipalAuthBase as a normal classes in scala native instead of creating a separate jar for these 2 classes and packaged them as a part of my project jar

And using the below code for configuring.

val params: Map[String, String] = Map("authority" -> dbutils.secrets.get(scope = "nykvsecrets", key = "ehaadtesttenantid"),

                            "clientId" -> dbutils.secrets.get(scope = "nykvsecrets", key = "ehaadtestclientid"),

                            "clientSecret" -> dbutils.secrets.get(scope = "nykvsecrets", key = "ehaadtestclientsecret"))

val connectionString = ConnectionStringBuilder()

 .setAadAuthConnectionString(new URI("your-ehs-endpoint"), "your-ehs-name")


val ehConf = EventHubsConf(connectionString)


 .setAadAuthCallback(new ServicePrincipalCredentialsAuth(params))


any issue you see with this ?

@Alex Ott​ do we have the equivalent scala repo for this ?

Databricks Employee
Databricks Employee

No, I specifically selected Java as implementation language for my library to avoid problems with Scala versions, etc.

I think it is working now. what i was trying to do, which is not right in this case was trying to test this code directly in the databricks scala notebook with just installing libraries & on the cluster and it was failing becuase there were few missing compile time libraries/packages that comes with azure-event-hubs-spark and msal4j libraries.

And for scala i had to make minor syntactical changes. And it started working.

thank you very much.

New Contributor II

Hey Ravi,

Can you please provide the steps.! or any sample code in Scala.

We are also planning to do the same and facing issues.


Arun G

New Contributor II

@Ravikumashi , Hi Ravi, Could you please provide me the sample working code how you managed this to work in scala and how you added these classes ServicePrincipalCredentialsAuth and ServicePrincipalAuthBase.

I am currently trying to stream event hub data using service principle and failing to do so.





I have added ServicePrincipalCredentialsAuth and ServicePrincipalAuthBase as a normal classes instead of creating a separate jar for these 2 classes and packaged them as a part of my project jar.

And used the below code for configuring/initializing the eventHub with SPN credentials.

val params: Map[String, String] = Map("authority" -> dbutils.secrets.get(scope = "databricks-secretes-scope", key = "ehaadtesttenantid"),
"clientId" -> dbutils.secrets.get(scope = "databricks-secretes-scope", key = "ehaadtestclientid"),
"clientSecret" -> dbutils.secrets.get(scope = "databricks-secretes-scope", key = "ehaadtestclientsecret"))

val yourEventHubEndpoint = "sb://<EventHubsNamespaceName>"

val connectionString = ConnectionStringBuilder()
.setAadAuthConnectionString(new URI($"yourEventHubEndpoint"), "yourEventHubsInstance")

val ehConf = EventHubsConf(connectionString)
.setAadAuthCallback(new ServicePrincipalCredentialsAuth(params))

val inputStreamdf = spark

And you can copy the ServicePrincipalCredentialsAuth and ServicePrincipalAuthBase class files from the repository below and in my side i have just changed variable declaration alone to scala sytle and kept the remaining as is.

more details on how to stream data to and from eventHubs can be found here

Hope this helps.

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