01-11-2023 03:18 PM
Help! I'm trying to run this first notebook in the Scalable MachIne LEarning (SMILE) course.
It fails on the first cell with
AssertionError: The Databricks Runtime is expected to be one of ['11.3.x-cpu-ml-scala2.12'], found "11.3.x-scala2.12". Please see the "Troubleshooting | Spark Version" section of the "Version Info" notebook for more information.
There's no more information in the Version Info notebook. I set the version to 11.3 and turned off photon to try to get it to match, but I don't see how to get 'cpu-ml' in there.
I suppose I can just modify the 'supported_dbrs' list in Includes/_common, but that seems like it might cause trouble later.
01-12-2023 02:29 AM
it means your cluster type has to be a ML runtime.
When you create a cluster in databricks, you can choose between different runtimes.
These have different version (spark version), but also different types:
For your case you need to select the ML menu option.
01-11-2023 06:03 PM
It definitely caused trouble later
01-12-2023 02:29 AM
it means your cluster type has to be a ML runtime.
When you create a cluster in databricks, you can choose between different runtimes.
These have different version (spark version), but also different types:
For your case you need to select the ML menu option.
01-13-2023 09:29 AM
Ah, OK, Cool. Thanks for your help. I somehow didn't see that yesterday. I guess you have to know where to look.
11-25-2023 01:04 AM
was helpful for me too. Thank you for your help during my journey of learning databricks!
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