OK, been plowing through these videos and notebooks, and now this -- a lot of those numbers were non-zero yesterday. Was I supposed to finish all of this in one sitting?
This is kind of a nuisance, and I don't understand the reason for it.I'm in Scalable Machine Learning with Apache Spark. https://customer-academy.databricks.com/learn/course/1322It asked me to download a dbc with the notebooks and reupload them to a ...
Help! I'm trying to run this first notebook in the Scalable MachIne LEarning (SMILE) course.https://github.com/databricks-academy/scalable-machine-learning-with-apache-spark-english/blob/published/ML%2000a%20-%20Spark%20Review.pyIt fails on the first...
I have no idea what I'm doing wrong. I synched this repo <https://github.com/databricks-academy/apache-spark-programming-with-databricks> as instructed. You can see that Notebook 4.1 is query optimization in the 'published' branch.https://github.com/...
There is a 'Labs' folder which has labs in it, so the content seems to be there. It's just that it's different here and there, ie, they're not in sync. Maybe it was just the moved notebooks, but I'll update this when I find the next difference.