Here I have a table named organizations_silver that was build from a bronze table created from a Kinesis change data capture feed.
@dlt.table(name="kinesis_raw_stream", table_properties={"pipelines.reset.allowed": "false"})
def kinesis_raw_stream():
return read_kinesis_stream(stream_name=STREAM, dbutils=dbutils, spark=spark)
The initial table is an append table from the Kinesis stream. From there I destructured the data into the organizations_silver table.
def organizations_silver():
org_schema = StructType([
StructField("id", IntegerType(), True),
StructField("org_name", StringType(), True),
StructField("region", StringType(), True)
return (
.select(decode(col("data"), "UTF-8").alias("json_string"))
.select(from_json(col("json_string"), raw_schema).alias("json_data"))
.filter(col("json_data.metadata.table-name") == "organizations")
.select(from_json(col(""), org_schema).alias("org_data"))
.select("", "org_data.org_name", "org_data.region")
The problem is that since the original table is an append-only, records get duplicated in the silver table.
I attempted to create another table from the silver table to dedupe it as follows:
df = spark.table("development_demo_catalog.default.organizations_silver")
DeltaTable.forName(spark, "development_demo_catalog.default.organizations_deduped") \
.alias("target") \
" ="
) \
.whenMatchedUpdateAll() \
.whenNotMatchedInsertAll() \
My understanding is that if there is a match it should update all the columns on the existing deduped table. However, when I run the notebook, I encounter the following error:
Cannot perform Merge as multiple source rows matched and attempted to modify the same
This seems to indicate that there are duplicates in the source, which is the case and is why I'm trying to dedupe it. My question is what am I missing here and how should I properly dedupe records from a Kinesis change data capture feed?