Hi all,
i want to plot multiple charts from a pandas datafreame. However, when i run the code below it says "Command result size exceeds limit: Exceeded 20971520 bytes (current = 20973124)". If I move line 11 and place at 21 (outside of the function), it runs without error and the last chart is shown. How do I show each chart next to each other so I can run the experiment all at once and save myself time?
import plotly.graph_objects as go
import numpy as np
import time
from scipy.signal import find_peaks
def plot_peaks(df_peaks,peak):
fig = go.Figure()
fig.add_trace(go.Line(x=df_tyz043['Time'], y=df_tyz043['Value'], name='All tempertures')) # all tempertures
fig.add_trace(go.Scatter(x=df_peaks['Time'], y=df_peaks['Value'], name='peaks',mode="markers")) # Just the peaks
fig.update_layout(title=str(peak) + " peaks of temperture")
trial_peaks = list(range(17, 40)) # peaks to plots
# experimental run through each find diffferent peaks
for peak in trial_peaks:
#code for find peaks would go here
# Pass results to plot_peaks
plot_peaks(df_peaks, peak)