08-11-2022 09:32 PM
I've successfully passed Databricks Data Engineer Associate Certified exam but still have not received the certificate.
Hello Rupesh,
You have completed the assessment, Databricks Certified Data Engineer Associate on 10 August 2022.
Result: PASS
You've passed the exam. You will receive the certification via Databricks Academy within 24 hours.
Can I please get an update on when should I receive the certificate?
09-08-2024 10:22 PM
Hi @Nadia1, I have completed my exam on 5th Sept 2024 for DE professional, but i haven't received my certification. Can you please help mw with this. I have attached the screenshot of passing the test.
09-09-2024 07:36 AM
Thank you for reaching out!
Please submit a ticket to our Training Team here: https://help.databricks.com/s/
02-02-2025 02:01 AM
Hi @Nadia1, I have completed my exam on 1st Feb 2025 for DE professional, but i haven't received my certification. Can you please help me with this. I have attached the screenshot of passing the test.
11-20-2024 07:08 PM
I've successfully passed Databricks Data Engineer Associate Certified exam on 20th Nov 2024 9am IST but still have not received the certificate.
whom do I need to connect to receive the certificate ?
01-28-2025 12:46 PM
Hi @Nadia1
I wrote and passed the ML Professional Exam and also havent received my certificate.
I did recieve the passing email though to my email...
Hello Adam,
Result: PASS
Congratulations! You've passed the exam.
01-28-2025 12:47 PM
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