Number of failed jobs and its name : for last 24 hours
[BA] Your best bet will be to use the upcoming system tables integration. This is in preview, I believe. The general idea is that you will get a Delta table with runs and their statuses. For now, you can also use the Job Runs page (Workflows > Job Runs), this will show you job runs and their failures (also accessible by API)
Table that are not getting data
[BA] Lakehouse Monitoring is the way to go! Also in Preview, I believe.
Latest ingested timestamp
table ingest rate, how much data is ingested
[BA] How are you ingesting data?
table ingest lag, is a stream job further behind than expected
[BA] We are working on this! You will get monitoring and alerting on streaming lag both in Structured Streaming and Delta Live Tables.
table size, size of the current table being ingested into
[BA] I'm not sure what you mean by this.
query runtime : the time a query has been running
[BA] What type of query are you interested in?